International design competition.
Concept Proposal for International Consultation on the Conceptual Urban Design of Bao’an West Dynamic Coastal Zone.
Program: public buildings, commercial, housing, mixed use, tourism, urban agriculture.
Total site area: 1.600ha.
Location: Shenzhen, China.
Year: 2014.
This project consists of the plan for the Shenzhen coast towards the Pearl river Delta, the only waterfront left in Shenzhen for re-qualification, pivot for the entire Pearl River Delta region. The project area consists on 45km coastline with a total of 1600 ha, including harbor areas, two existing villages and a brand new town that will host 3.5 million inhabitants.
NAUTA’s strategy focuses on landscape interventions that would solve the massive water pollution that affects the 33 tributary rivers, as well as the Pearl River. NAUTA’s strategy combines a short term intervention based on the intensification of the local mangrove forests, local protected landscape heritage, in order to maximize the water filtering, as well as a long term hydraulic intervention that could eliminate the causes of water pollution for good.
Our ‘Productive Landscape’ becomes the application of our latest research principles that try to design nature and city, maximizing their productivity. The Chinese national 2015 plan stresses the problem of the dramatic decrease of arable land in the country, vs. an unstoppable population growth in the urban areas.
How can the new Chinese megalopolis provide food for their inhabitants?
The project for the Bao’an region proposes a total 63.4% green surface, from which 21.2% will be agriculture land. This means that we add 8.5 millions sqm of new agriculture land in Shenzhen, making agriculture the focus point of the newly designed public space and sustainable employment. All related business activities will aim to make Shenzhen an International leader into new bio and agro technologies, bringing on site the latest innovations is Aguaponic, Hydroponic and vertical farming.
Bao’ an becomes the center for the re-birth of a new sustainable business for Shenzhen city, contributing to add to its already thick program for leading in this field, while diversifying program and urban environment.
NAUTA 入围深圳《宝安西部活力海岸带概念城市设计国际咨询》竞赛 ——入围
总面积:1600 公顷
今年7月底,NAUTA已经向当地的宝安区政府展示了他们对该项目的构想和策略。当地政府对NATUA针对整个项目区域的生态干预,治理该水域包括珠江在内的33条河流的水污染的构想与措施寄予了高度关注。NAUTA 是构想短期在基于强化当地红树林森林体系和保护当地绿色生态遗产,为了最大限度的对水资源进行净化过滤,与长期通过强化整体水网工程解决当地水污染问题相结合在一起。