Restricted Competition

Program: Archaeology and Natural Sciences Museum of Rabat

Total Museum area: 13600 sqm

Landscape: 20400 sqm

Budget: 24,5 ml €

Client: Moroccan Government

Location: Rabat, Morocco

Design: 2014

The building is designed as a metaphor of an archaeological ruin, composed by layers of limestone. Their horizontal layout allows an optimal functional organization, with a gradual passage from public to private spaces, connected with the back logistics. The volumes are very integrated with the surroundings and their limited density.

The main exhibition space is a square independent volume that sits on top of the lower layered rectangles. The plan is organized as a concentric system, articulating the museum with two types of space: a central one, illuminated by zenithal natural light, and the perimeter ring, illuminated by a continuous window. The roof is covered with a pattern of circular dome shaped skylights, which are cut on the north side, offering the best natural light to the interiors. By this way, centralizing the plan and opening multiple connection routes, the visitor will choose his criteria to visit the museum, having the possibility to change as well the curatorial route, from chronological, to thematic to random. The finishing materials are intended to make a reference to local techniques and colors, without losing sight cost-effectiveness of the work.






Commissioned consultancy
Status: on going
Master plan for the public space and housing solutions for the Palestinian communities in east Jerusalem.
Program: 7 Housing typologies and public space masterplan.
Total site area: NA
Location: Al Aquabeh, Ashkareyeh, Wadi Qaddum (Jerusalem East)
Year: 2014
Client: UN Habitat program

The Goal of this consultancy is to define basic actions for a sustainable implementation of housing projects for the Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem, where a too spontaneous and uncontrolled densification has so far complicated an organic urbanization process.
Based on the observation of the current issues at stake, it emerges how the fragmentation of the property and the need to negotiate with every land owner, have so far stopped the development process, slowing the definition of holistic actions, fundamental when master planning.
On the other hand, it is as well important to acknowledge the social and political importance of local negotiations and the participation of the communities, in order to make the whole process smooth.
So how can we fill this gap between planning and design, which might imply leading the urban design process and eventually add more discussions to the table?
The method here proposed tries to put aside, even if only temporarily, specific issues related to property, trying to rethink project areas from the public space perspective.
After this exercise it is then necessary to go back to the applied scenarios to test the feasibility of those actions according to the property issue. Having a clear argument might help the negotiation process with concrete data that could justify the design actions for the general benefit of the community.
We propose three different typologies of neighbourhood.



Cultural project
Status: complete
Program: Exhibition, Lectures, academic program
Total area: N/A
Location: Worldwide
Time: 2012-2015

After the “ Palazzi of Rotterdam” research project, concluded in 2013, NAUTA worked on the cultural dissemination of the results trough an articulated communication project. This presentation includes three visual products: a map of the Rotterdam post war office vacancy, based on the model of the Nolli map of Rome from 1748; a movie that summarizes the work of NAUTA during almost two years and some models of the key projects produced at the end of the study.
These three visual products are part of the project ‘Triptych”; it includes an itinerant exhibition, lectures and academic programs. The event took place in Rotterdam, Shenzhen, Barcelona and Nantes and it became an academic program with a design course led by Maurizio Scarciglia during the spring 2015, at the Amsterdam Academy of architecture. The course investigated the potential of post war office buildings to be transformed in the most actual functional mixes, suitable the contemporary architecture market.
Abstract from the project synopsis:
On the 14th of May 1940, during the German invasion of the Netherlands in World War II, Rotterdam was almost razed to the ground. The reconstruction period started intensively and never stopped, making Rotterdam a symbol of progress, among other European cities.
At the end of the first decade of 2000, the World economical crisis affected the Dutch real estate market. The inner city of Rotterdam, populated by many office headquarters, suffered progressive vacancy.
By drawing a map of the vacant office buildings, we realized that the scale of the problem is so vast that it becomes systemic. The ‘office building’ is nowadays for Rotterdam an urban typology that organically affects the quality of its urban space.
By searching a similar case in which the office building played a radical role in the development of the city, we found a precedent in the Italian renaissance: Florence.
Here the ‘Palazzo’ is still considered one of the most recognizable building types, integral part of the cultural and historical values of the city.
What if all the post war office buildings in Rotterdam could rise in dignity and become a recognizable layer of its urban history? And what if their strategic re-use could transform them into platforms for an architectural reinvention, free from the preservation constraints that heritage buildings have in other cities?
Then tourists could have as well a ‘Palazzi of Rotterdam’ tour!
Does it still make sense to keep re-building or does it make more sense to reuse the vacant properties? Re-use costs in principle 30% less than new construction. How could we develop a method capable of helping the stakeholders to afford with confidence a renovation project and ensure its valuable investment through time?
On this base, we started a “design by research” process that brought us to sustainable design proposals.
The research project was supported by the Stimuleringfonds voor de Creative Industrie and developed in cooperation with the Municipality of Rotterdam, the Delft University of Technology and several stakeholders, owners of the vacant properties.
NAUTA developed an evaluation process capable to distill all data into a real ‘ID for renovation’, selecting among all vacant properties only the ones not affected by speculation, situated on portions of the city not destined to densification.
NAUTA translated the results of the research into real pilot projects, studying the business agenda of the investors and finding tailor made solutions to transform shabby office buildings into new ‘jewels of architecture’. The surrounding public space rejuvenates, bringing new life into the city, while avoiding the complete stall of the real estate market.



Research study in Beijing Design Week 2014
Status: On going.
Urban study for the agriculture intensification of the Beijing inner areas, and the introduction of a new policy for maintenance of generic green voids in the city.
Program: agriculture, horticulture, hydroponic, aguaponic, indoor farming
Total site area: N/A
Location: Beijing
Year: 2014
In cooperation with TENIO academy Tianjin

In Beijing an unstoppable de¬crees of the actual arable land in south and east of the city, areas currently used as arable land and rapidly under urban¬ization because of the develop¬ment trajectory that connects Beijing with Tianjin.
To dealing with the increasing amount of migrants in big cit¬ies, the national government issued policy on small-middle sized town urbanization and development in western Chi¬na to balance the big migrants burden over costal area, while local governments like Shang¬hai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, claimed the indus¬try upgrading policy, intend¬ing to avoid the arrival of low-educated migrants in favor of high-end educated human resource. If we refer to the an¬nual demography report of these cities, there is still a no¬table increase on migrants and the average education level of these migrants is still below the average level of registered citizens.
Measurement ranged from protecting basic cultivated land to encouraging higher productive local agriculture projects, not only to ensure enough local food, but also to simplify the circulation pro¬cess and shorten the distance for food transportation, thus reducing pollution.

In the urban area of Beijing, within the 6th ring, we propose a process of agricultural completion of the urban voids. The urban structure of Beijing is well known worldwide for its humongous scale. Urban blocks, infrastructure and neighborhoods create a ‘giga city’, where everything is oversized, especially when compared to the historical city. In this context we have found large portions of ‘left over’ green, especially the one close to infrastructural nodes and fly-over, which for their size can easily be transformed into agricultural banks.
By mapping those areas we realized the size of this rescued land and its capability to become a food reserve for thousands inhabitants. These voids are used mostly as decorative green without any use and, most of all, they do not offer any social use because of their lack of accessibility.
We collected more than 70 cases with different dimensions, amounting all together to more than 6 millions sqm.

都市研究案, 2014北京国际设计周
设计时间: 2014

中国地区观赏影片请点 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTExNDM2NzA0.html
2014北京设计周 Nauta architecture & research 专访总监建筑师 MAURIZIO

NAUTA正在发掘中国城市基本干预措施对农业集约化的城市景观的潜力。我们相信, 通过完成城市空间或规划新的广泛的领域,城市设计可以提供美丽的社会领域以及为人口不断增长的中国提供额外的食物银行。为了测试北京荒地重新使用的可能性,NAUTA开始与天津天友集团的顾问合作。




International design competition.
Concept Proposal for International Consultation on the Conceptual Urban Design of Bao’an West Dynamic Coastal Zone.
Program: public buildings, commercial, housing, mixed use, tourism, urban agriculture.
Total site area: 1.600ha.
Location: Shenzhen, China.
Year: 2014.

This project consists of the plan for the Shenzhen coast towards the Pearl river Delta, the only waterfront left in Shenzhen for re-qualification, pivot for the entire Pearl River Delta region. The project area consists on 45km coastline with a total of 1600 ha, including harbor areas, two existing villages and a brand new town that will host 3.5 million inhabitants.

NAUTA’s strategy focuses on landscape interventions that would solve the massive water pollution that affects the 33 tributary rivers, as well as the Pearl River. NAUTA’s strategy combines a short term intervention based on the intensification of the local mangrove forests, local protected landscape heritage, in order to maximize the water filtering, as well as a long term hydraulic intervention that could eliminate the causes of water pollution for good.

Our ‘Productive Landscape’ becomes the application of our latest research principles that try to design nature and city, maximizing their productivity. The Chinese national 2015 plan stresses the problem of the dramatic decrease of arable land in the country, vs. an unstoppable population growth in the urban areas.
How can the new Chinese megalopolis provide food for their inhabitants?

The project for the Bao’an region proposes a total 63.4% green surface, from which 21.2% will be agriculture land. This means that we add 8.5 millions sqm of new agriculture land in Shenzhen, making agriculture the focus point of the newly designed public space and sustainable employment. All related business activities will aim to make Shenzhen an International leader into new bio and agro technologies, bringing on site the latest innovations is Aguaponic, Hydroponic and vertical farming.
Bao’ an becomes the center for the re-birth of a new sustainable business for Shenzhen city, contributing to add to its already thick program for leading in this field, while diversifying program and urban environment.


NAUTA 入围深圳《宝安西部活力海岸带概念城市设计国际咨询》竞赛 ——入围
总面积:1600 公顷

中国地区观赏影片请点 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTE0MDUxNzUy.html


今年7月底,NAUTA已经向当地的宝安区政府展示了他们对该项目的构想和策略。当地政府对NATUA针对整个项目区域的生态干预,治理该水域包括珠江在内的33条河流的水污染的构想与措施寄予了高度关注。NAUTA 是构想短期在基于强化当地红树林森林体系和保护当地绿色生态遗产,为了最大限度的对水资源进行净化过滤,与长期通过强化整体水网工程解决当地水污染问题相结合在一起。





International design competition.
Urban planning and landscape design for the re-use of the Bussa overpass.
Program: Market, sport activities, open air cinema/theatre, exhibiton spaces, playground area, bikes parking.
Total floor area: 27.000 sqm.
Location: Milano, Italy.
Year: 2014.



International ideas competition.
Urban planning and landscape design for the re-use of the former airport runway tip site.
Program: Housing, Luxury housing, exhibition spaces, offices, cinema, restaurants, hotel, market, parking.
Total floor area: 90 ha.
Location: Hong Kong.
Year: 2014.

NAUTA’s master plan for the reuse of the former Kai Tak airport in Hong Kong.
Based on the existing situation and on the municipality’s plan to connect through a bridge the Kai Tak peninsula with the Kwun Tong waterfront, NAUTA’s strategy proposes to densify the bridge with the whole program required.
Having to build a bridge will anyway condition the logistics of the area. It will imply having a construction site in the middle of the water body. So why not freeing the panned site and give it back to nature?
Hong Kong, the densest World city, lacks of public space and green, packed as it is with very dense and tall buildings concentrated in such a tiny little land.

The Kai Tak masterplan is a unique opportunity to give back to HK a piece of nature. We propose to design the site destined to the required program as a tropical urban forest, while concentrating all functions in the clear and efficient bridge. All logistics are supplied by the lower levels, freeing the upper floors for simple and efficient towers. The middle platform hosts the EFL electric metro connection that will offer a sustainable connection to the line of towers. It will host as well a linear market, food court and a spectacular roof park with stunning views of the Victoria Harbor.
All roofs will provide rain water collection for internal use.
It is proved that moving functions up from the street level contributes to reduce the exposition to CO2 and SO2 produced by car traffic. Hong Kong suffers massive pollution problems. Placing the new program in the water body and lifting it up will contribute to massively enhance the health quality of the people inhabiting the structure.

The internal water body will become a flexible appendix of the forest program. Sheltered by the bridge structure it will offer a good protection for the boats during the Typhoon period, while becoming an enclosed set for events on the water, such as water sports, ‘boat-in cinema’, pop concerts.


入围         项目

城市规划与景观设计 —-旧机场跑道末端部位再利用











所有的屋顶将提供雨水收集供内部使用。 实践证明,通过调节街道层面有助于降低车辆的CO2和SO2释放—-香港遭受到的最大规模的污染问题。将新项目置于水体中,再向上引用,将有助于提高人民群众居住健康体质和生活质量。
