Competition proposal

Program: Renovation of an existing secondary school

Total Museum area: 2000 sqm

Budget: 2,6 ml €

Client: Municipality of Torino

Location: Torino, Italy

Design: 2017


The project wills to create an exciting creative and communal educational.The access, designed as plastic and iconic object, touches the original facade respecting its volumes and openings. The entrance object is shaped into a light staircase, a climbing ramp, a seating and a roof deck, integrating into its structure the lighting system and the new school signage.

The classrooms are defined as spaces for traditional teaching, in which the furniture elements change the perception and use of spaces, while the workshops, rest areas and circulation are shaped as multifunctional spaces, becoming meeting points between the different classrooms and the community. The proposed layout consolidates all the functions destined to extracurricular activities, offering the left spaces to the neighborhood.

The spaces are organized to give priority to the collective spaces, where all students and users of the building are free to express themselves during the learning process.

As a gaming system, with respect to the spaces and internal volumes, it is proposed to insert an internal wayfinding signage system, which visibly connects the exterior of the building with the multiplicity of its interior spaces, simplifying the circulation, driving efficiently the students’ daily flows and occasional community flows.


International Competition


Program: Masterplan for the requalification of the historical center of Taranto

Total floor area: 15 ha

Budget: N/A

Client: Comune di Taranto, Invitalia

Location: Taranto, Italy

Design: 2017

Team: Alvisikirimoto, NAUTA architecture & research, Deltastudio, Milan Ingegneria;

consultants: Antonio Calafati (urban regeneration and business development), Christian Iaione (sharing economy, public and urban policy), Francesca Franceschinelli (comunication and culture), Petra Blaise, Jana Crepon (landscape), Enrico Moretti (sustainable mobility), Giuseppina Caroppo (curatorial and art consultant), Cecilia d’ Ercole (archeology), Eloisa Susanna (energy), Costanza La Mantia (participated process), Cristina Alga (community engagement), Luigi Corvo (social and ecology economy, value chain).


The island separates the center of the urban life from the area in the north, where the metallurgic factory and the Tamburi district are considered the most problematic for pollution and poor social conditions. For this reason the center has the potential to inject new life on a systemic level in the city. The project is articulated with material and immaterial interventions, with the goal of bringing the island back to a functional and effective performance.

The Basic infrastructural strategy has the goal of making the general infrastructure efficient and modern. His intervention should help the island to get rid of the traffic, coming from its role of connection/crossing. The general decongestion would help as well to re-educate the inhabitants to use new maximized public transport, new alternative transportation (via water) and pedestrian bike circulation. The diffused re-qualifying strategy is partially developed simultaneously to the first one. It includes the punctual restoration of the existing building heritage, the restoration of those structures with artistic and historical value, till the demolition and reconstruction of new parts. This strategy includes as well the improvement of the public spaces and circulation enclaves. The Performing infrastructural strategy focuses mostly on the waterfront and the interventions within the inner fabric (squares, terraces), which will duplicate the pedestrian and circulation apparatus of the island and will unable it to absorb a new cultural program for the long term. The new waterfront infrastructure is light and with a low environmental impact. This strategy wills to limit the physical intervention, leaving space to a rich future curatorial program of events and socio-economic scenarios. The socio-economic strategy is the most immaterial, yet the most important for the long term. Parallel to the precedent interventions, it defines the base for the future evolution of the island and its capability to welcome the new generations. A unique cultural program, developed by a pool of experts, will boost the image of Taranto among the list of the places to visit, contributing to combine micro and macro economy actions. These actions might help, on the long term, to transform the actual industrial paradigm of the city into a new service oriented one.


Il centro storico è il filtro tra la Taranto vissuta ed amata dai tarantini (quella del borgo ottocentesco) e quella più discussa dell’Ilva, del quartiere Tamburi, considerato da anni luogo di degrado ambientale e sociale. Il centro storico, come cuore fisico della città, deve tornare ad assumere il proprio ruolo di centro città. Le ragioni di questa perdita di leadership risiedono prevalentemente nel profondo handicap infrastrutturale del centro storico che ha reso l’isola incapace di evolversi con la città, con la sua economia e società. Come un corpo amputato, il centro storico necessita la sua protesi per tornare a correre al lato del resto della città ed a svolgerne il ruolo di cuore culturale ed economico. Per questo il progetto si materializza come processo dinamico, composto da strategie materiali e immateriali, che riportino a lungo termine il centro storico ad una performance adatta alla città contemporanea.

La strategia infrastrutturale di base ha l’obiettivo di rendere il centro storico capace di funzionare in maniera sufficientemente efficiente nell’immediato. Si porta l’isola ad eliminare il traffico dovuto all’infrastruttura insufficiente. Attraverso la fluidificazione dei flussi più aggressivi, si da il via a una nuova fase educativa degli abitanti locali, attraverso l’inserimento di potenziati mezzi pubblici, possibili vie di comunicazione alternative (per esempio via acqua), e la sensibilizzazione all’uso di mobilità pedonale e ciclabile. La strategia risanante diffusa inizia contemporaneamente alla prima fase. Essa comprende il puntuale risanamento della massa edilizia presente nel centro storico, secondo un suo attento cronoprogramma proporzionato allo stato conservativo dei manufatti. Dall’eliminazione di quelli pericolanti, alla ristrutturazione e restauro di quelli di pregio fino alle future nuova edificazione di aree liberate da inutile superfetazioni o edifici non recuperabili. Si includono inoltre gli interventi immediati di ripristino di spazi pubblici e viabilità interclusa che al momento inibiscono ogni possibilità di vivere la città in maniera funzionale. La strategia infrastrutturale performante s’incentra principalmente sul waterfront e sui macro interventi interni al centro storico (per esempio nelle piazze e sulle terrazze) che porteranno l’isola ad usufruire di una nuova infrastruttura efficiente, dal ridotto impatto ambientale, capace di permettere all’isola di accogliere un nuovo programma curatoriale a lungo termine. L’idea di un elemento lineare flessibile permette di pensare ad un’infrastruttura leggera, dal limitato impatto ambientale, dal ridotto budget di costruzione, facile realizzazione in fasi e dalla capacità di supporto al programma futuro. L’obiettivo è di ridurre al minimo l’intervento fisico per lasciare spazio al futuro sviluppo programmatico del programma culturale e socio-economico dell’isola. La strategia socio economica è la più immateriale ma più importante a lungo termine. Spalmata a cavallo delle precedenti fasi e nel futuro, essa getta le basi per un rinnovato funzionamento del centro storico, capace di ospitare le nuove generazioni di tarantini (e non), con nuove idee imprenditoriali. La ri-funzionalizzazione dell’isola permette, attraverso le attività aggiunte, di attrarre nuovi ed eterogenei gruppi sociali, capaci di aggiungersi all’importante strato esistente degli abitanti storici dell’isola. Un ricco programma curatoriale, sviluppato da un gruppo multidisciplinare di consulenti per la municipalità contribuirà a posizionare Taranto sulla lista dei posti in cui la nuova micro economia genera un nuovo paradigma urbano.


International Competition

Program: Masterplan for the requalification and modernization of the Oyster Village

Total floor area: N/A

Budget: N/A

Client: Bao’an local government

Location: Shenzhen, Shajing district, China

Design: 2016

Shajing district emblematically embodies the fast changes of the Special Economic Zone becoming a perfect and iconic example to describe what happened with the fast revolution of the area, since the first rural villages were increased by the diffusing of the urban village structure.

The aim of our proposal is double. From one side, to steer the transformation process and to lead it towards a sustainable direction, converting the manifacturing industry into new activities and into the economy of service. From the other, to bring the process forward, starting from the protection of the historical qualities, of the urban and architectural traditions, and using the disappearing traditional economy as spin off to continue the transformation of the area, with the aim of a configuration in which the human quality of life can be again the focus goal of the urban design.




International competition

Program: Masterplan for the requalification and modernization of the Xixiang district

Total floor area: 8.4 kmq

Budget: N/A

Client: Bao’an local Government

Location: Shenzhen, Xixiang district, China

Design: 2016

The approach to the urban intervention was to bring out the specificities of the place and to design a masterplan starting from them. Especially the preservation of the meaningful historical parts and of the urban village structure doesn’t look back to the past, but try to give new lymph for the economical sustainability of these urban texture which are disappearing and seem cannot find their meaning inside the Chinese metropolis economy.

An important step is the redevelopment of the waterfront and the connection with the villages of Gushu that now is denied by the presence of the infrastructure. This link give new possibilities to the villages and, in this way, supports their urban and social requalification. Also the green network wants to accentuate the presence of the green elements that already exists, considering that they are very rare in Chinese cities.

The urban mosaic is clarified where it is possible and transformed where it isn’t. This transformation is led from the needs that in Xixiang are still missing.

The union of all this different parts and urban textures is made through the study of a network of public spaces which improve the quality of life and joins all the area in a unitary vision for Xixiang.





International Competition
Program: Urban re-qualification of the Dameisha urban village, through the introduction of a “diffused hotel”
Total floor area: N/A
Budget: N/A
Client: Yantian local Government
Location: Shenzhen, Yantian district, China
Design: 2016, on going

Within Shenzhen, Yantian plays a specific role, due to its special natural qualities, tourism attractions and proximity to Hong Kong. By looking at the geography of Shenzhen and its landscape conformation, it is evident that Yantian plays an important role in the preservation of natural values, important for the whole metropolitan area. In fact, the presence of the highest mountain within the municipal boundary, as well as the most valuable bathing beach of the city, make this location a top destination for the tourism industry of Shenzhen.

The district hosts some of the oldest urban villages in Shenzhen, base and origin of this city, thus integral part of the cultural and historical evolution of the region. When entering the village from south, Dameisha presents a central area with low density and buildings ranging between one and two floors. The east and west areas present higher density, similar to the dysfunctional urban villages that we find in other parts of the city. The central area, besides presenting lower buildings, is characterized by an irregular pattern of public spaces, more or less defined but definitely more generous than the common narrow alleys. At the moments this sequence of spaces is very disorganized and constantly occupied by parking lots that make the whole area useless for public use. The centre is as well signed by several commercial activities, street food, convenience stores and small entertainment places.

The most interesting feature of this village though is its incredible proximity to the beach, the best bathing place in Shenzhen, as well as being surrounded by almost 200 hotels only in Daimesha district. By analyzing the local tourism offer we noticed how homogeneous it is at the moment, offering very extensive traditional hotel developments with no typology variations. The natural qualities of the area as well as the cultural attractions in the whole Yantian make possible to extend its tourism targets, including younger as well as cultural oriented groups that are interested in the authentic experiences of the place.

Backpackers, tourists well travelled and flexible to adapt to the local conditions, not interested in the global luxury experience of a chain hotel, would be perfect visitors for Dameisha. Its proximity to Hong Kong, as well as its good connection to the beach and the city centre of Shenzhen, could transform this area in the tourism heart of Shenzhen. For this reason our plan proposes to establish in this village a first example of Diffused Hotel, a prototype we believe will be easy to implement by the cooperation of different housing owners. It will be as well the spin off for several activities and cultural events that will transform the area in a new and different city centre.

In our vision Dameisha becomes the centre for many events and business activities: the Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture, an Art festival, a fashion event, an Urban Agriculture expo and congress, street food events and many more.

The phasing of the development starts from the free initiative of few owners who would start with a Air B&B formula, promoting via web their rooms and attracting the first tourists interested in the local experience. The second phase, upon success of the first, would include a central reception hall, an associated restaurant and bakery to offer breakfast and meals, as well as more associated rooms. Further phases would extend the rooms stock, as well as the range of services offered by the hotel, such as gym, spa, all rigorously scattered in the village. However the most important effect of the DH in the long term is the renovated sense of community and the spread of common awareness and the collective interest in preserving the décor and the hygiene of the public space, condition for the stable operation of the hotel.

The DH proved as well to become such an important instrument for a positive gentrification, generating as well private housing re-qualification, improving the general performance and look of the villages involved. This could enhance a systemic improvement of the village and its easier integration in the city fabric. This model might help to free the urban villages of Shenzhen from a sad chronic thread of demolition and finally unveil economic opportunities that could save the historical and social heritage of the villages, real soul of Shenzhen city.


Competition proposal.
Program: Boutique Hotel, spa- wellness center, concierge, restaurant, conference room, event space.
Total floor area: 3000 sqm.
Budget: n/a.
Client: YAC.
Location: Siracusa, Italy.
Design: 2016


The competition asks to reflect on sustainable solutions to reintegrate the ‘Murro di Porco’ lighthouse and the surrounding existing structures with a new tourism complex, capable to offer to the Siracusa territory a new facility, suitable for its visitors’ trends.This lighthouse, as most of the others, lies in a territorial context of such high environmental value that it is not allowed to transform existing structures and landscape, reducing any possible intervention to make them functional. The new structure is shaped as a frame around the existing ruins. The intention is to limit the construction site to a ring that surrounds the lighthouse, defining a central portion of the landscape, new heart of the tourist complex. The landscape is left untouched, as natural and wild as it is. Structure and material techniques are very much connected to the local masonry tradition. The whole structure, a single floor high, is based on the most traditional local techniques; coated with plaster, the new building echoes the color palettes of local villages, with light nuances of natural colors. This reflections are the bases of our proposal. We focus on the preservation of the local experience of the site and its nature.The new hotel reduces to a minimum all logistic aspects, improving its overall sustainability and energy performance. This happens thanks to the unified roof that, free from public access, can seamlessly host photo-voltaic and solar heating, as well as rainwater storage system for grey water usage. Internal natural ventilation is provided through the building typology itself that offers cross ventilation to each internal function, both private and public.



Research study in Beijing Design Week 2014
Status: On going.
Urban study for the agriculture intensification of the Beijing inner areas, and the introduction of a new policy for maintenance of generic green voids in the city.
Program: agriculture, horticulture, hydroponic, aguaponic, indoor farming
Total site area: N/A
Location: Beijing
Year: 2014
In cooperation with TENIO academy Tianjin

In Beijing an unstoppable de¬crees of the actual arable land in south and east of the city, areas currently used as arable land and rapidly under urban¬ization because of the develop¬ment trajectory that connects Beijing with Tianjin.
To dealing with the increasing amount of migrants in big cit¬ies, the national government issued policy on small-middle sized town urbanization and development in western Chi¬na to balance the big migrants burden over costal area, while local governments like Shang¬hai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, claimed the indus¬try upgrading policy, intend¬ing to avoid the arrival of low-educated migrants in favor of high-end educated human resource. If we refer to the an¬nual demography report of these cities, there is still a no¬table increase on migrants and the average education level of these migrants is still below the average level of registered citizens.
Measurement ranged from protecting basic cultivated land to encouraging higher productive local agriculture projects, not only to ensure enough local food, but also to simplify the circulation pro¬cess and shorten the distance for food transportation, thus reducing pollution.

In the urban area of Beijing, within the 6th ring, we propose a process of agricultural completion of the urban voids. The urban structure of Beijing is well known worldwide for its humongous scale. Urban blocks, infrastructure and neighborhoods create a ‘giga city’, where everything is oversized, especially when compared to the historical city. In this context we have found large portions of ‘left over’ green, especially the one close to infrastructural nodes and fly-over, which for their size can easily be transformed into agricultural banks.
By mapping those areas we realized the size of this rescued land and its capability to become a food reserve for thousands inhabitants. These voids are used mostly as decorative green without any use and, most of all, they do not offer any social use because of their lack of accessibility.
We collected more than 70 cases with different dimensions, amounting all together to more than 6 millions sqm.

都市研究案, 2014北京国际设计周
设计时间: 2014

2014北京设计周 Nauta architecture & research 专访总监建筑师 MAURIZIO

NAUTA正在发掘中国城市基本干预措施对农业集约化的城市景观的潜力。我们相信, 通过完成城市空间或规划新的广泛的领域,城市设计可以提供美丽的社会领域以及为人口不断增长的中国提供额外的食物银行。为了测试北京荒地重新使用的可能性,NAUTA开始与天津天友集团的顾问合作。



International design competition.
Urban planning and landscape design for the re-use of the Bussa overpass.
Program: Market, sport activities, open air cinema/theatre, exhibiton spaces, playground area, bikes parking.
Total floor area: 27.000 sqm.
Location: Milano, Italy.
Year: 2014.


International urban planning competition.
Urban strategy for the re-use of a former hospital site with monumental buildings.
Program: Textile Museum, Textile Innovation Center, incubator, housing for starters, retail, offices, hotel with wellnesscenter and congressfacilities, parking garage and landscape design.
Total floor area: 35.000 sqm.
Location: Biella, Italy.
Year: 2013.

The brief asked for a complete re-thinking of the former structure of the hospital, currently relocated in the outskirts of the city. The total floor area includes 35.000 sqm of vacant space. The heterogeneous and chaotic complex includes some prestigious buildings from the forties and a massive slab from the sixties with a very high landscape potential.
NAUTA’s proposal extends the existing social pattern of the small city by adding students, researchers, entrepreneur starters, tourists, workers and boosts the economical power of the province, historical leader in the Italian textile market. Biella plays as well a pivot role in the tourism of the region, being close to the Alps and several skiing locations.
NAUTA’s strategy transforms the hospital into a new pole of excellence for International textile trading and research, students accommodation, incubator for textile and fashion entrepreneurs and a new hotel-wellness center, capable to complete the offer for the new international market, yet promote the local beauties and traditions.