Feasibility study for the refurbishment of empty office spaces on top of the E.ON factory, transformed into an art foundation.
Commissioned project.
Client: E.ON
Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Year: 2011.

Situated on the Blekerstraat, close to the cultural axis of Witte de Withstraat, this energy power plant is still in use.
with exception of one office floor. E.ON is an energy production company. Its marketing program includes a biannual promotion of fine
arts and classical music. The current situation combines the main production building with a small office space. We amputate part of
this space and replace it with a new pre fabricated volume. Then, we shift this volume to west, in order to create a terrace to east. We
add autonomous stairs and an elevator and create an autonomous building on top of the existing one.
The proposal for the E.ON Art Foundation internalizes the marketing investments of the company, while adding a new cultural facility in the hart of the
city. The management of the foundation can be easily carried on by one of the several private art institutions, while remaining a flag of
the E.ON cultural involvement in the Rotterdam.


Open air installation for the 5th International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam.
Commissioned project
Client: Gemeente Rotterdam (Bureau Binnenstad) and ’Mothership’.
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Year: 2012.


NAUTA architecture & research is one of 7 offices invited to design an open air installation during the 5th International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam (IABR).
NAUTA’s “Unite d’ Habitation de Rotterdam” focuses on the “Shell Tower” at Hofplein, in the centre of Rotterdam. It envisions the possibility to redefine the use and role of this urban phantom by means of sustainable hybrid combinations, suitable for the current market trends that do not allow mono-functional developments in the city centre.

In 1947 Le Corbusier developed a housing principle called “Unité d’ Habitation”. The project used collective spaces, roof gardens and mixed facilities to improve the lifestyle of its inhabitants. “Unite d’ Habitation de Rotterdam” is a reflection on how simple and profitable it would be to apply some of those principles to enhance a better life and have a more beautiful city.

The installation was commissioned by the Gemeente Rotterdam/Bureau Binnenstad and the ’Mothership’. It will be displayed on the North sidewalk of Hofplein till the 12th of August 2012. More information can be found on the website of Mothership.

2012年4月,Nauta受邀在第五届鹿特丹国际建筑双年展中展出改建项目 “鹿特丹的马赛公寓” 。


Research project.
Research by design on the re-use of the post-war office legacy of Rotterdam.
Client: Municipality of Rotterdam, Bureau Binnenstad.
Grant: Stimuleringsfonds voor Architectuur.
Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Year: 2011-2012

Research on the re-use of the post-war vacant office buildings in Rotterdam.
The study proposes an evaluation of the urban and architectural value of the vacant buildings, in order to reorganize and reuse their spaces, revitalize the city center, inject new economical and cultural value to the buildings and give the surrounding public space back to the city.
This study is based on a building evaluation chart from TU Delft, department of Real Estate.


International architecture competition.
Renovation and extension of two historical buildings.
Program: Museum: permanent and temporary exhibition space; multi-purpose hall; cafeteria and auditorium.
Total floor area: 2.550 sqm.
Location: Jaen, Spain
Design: 2010.

The new museum looks like a rural villa, luxuriously located in the landscape.The complex is a very logical result of the extrusion of the two existing buildings. The simple circulation scheme becomes the general strategy to gain a functional flexibility that generates multiple exciting spaces and experiences.


“Albergo Diffuso”
Design for a diffused hotel in Rosciolo de Marsi.
Data: 1.200 sqm new construction for hotel rooms, reception, restaurant, conference room and wine bar.
Urban renovation of public spaces, design of info pavilion, lighting and urban furniture. Long term strategy for the development of the diffused hotel and the total renovation of the historical centre.
Location: L’Aquila, Italy.
Year: 2009.

Maurizio Scarciglia
Claudio Colaci
Paolo Concetti
Mohamed Hasan Jamil
Bruna Vendemmia


“Principi Attivi” competition.
Urban strategy for a “Diffused Hotel” and revitalization of city centre.
Location: Avetrana, Italy.
Year: 2009 >
Status: Under development.

After winning the “Principi Attivi” competition, organized by the region Puglia (Italy), NAUTA is now developing a new “Albergo Diffuso” in Avetrana (Italy).
The project will include the complete urban revitalization of the city centre, the association of several commercial activities within the town and a detailed study and refurbishment of several properties to be incorporated into the hotel. A detailed marketing and branding campaign will enrich the “uniqueness” of this hotel, making Avetrana a continuously vibrating and attracting location to be. All will happen in the complete respect of the existing, but with a constant look to the future.


International architecture competition “Nave Torroja”
Data: Renovation and extension of warehouse.
Program: Temporary and permanent expo space, educational centre.
Location: Madrid, Spain.
Design: 2006.

NAUTA rises like a technological fog, which ‘ascends’ and leans on the Nave Torroja. It formulates a contemporary clone of the existing building, generating at the same time a hybrid public space, not a square, nor an exhibition space, but both. The replication of the structure and the ˆnave˜ scheme offers a great flexibility to the changing program, allowing wide configurations of temporary and permanent exhibition. NAUTA is rises from the floor, moving the experience of the nave on a higher level. The connection side of new and old buildings becomes the “educational zip”, a moving platform where the flexibility is granted by whole floors moving vertically, providing the real connection grip between the nave and its extension, commercial and educational program.
The Nave Torroja plays with the light through the openings on its roof. It follows a rhythm dictated by the structure. NAUTA plays with the light as well, but in a different way. It is a permeable fog, continually crossed by light, making the mixture of space and light, mass. NAUTA is a narrative slides sequence, where layers of glass articulate the spaces like in a filmic plot. All spaces make the whole but they still live an autonomous life according to the exhibition program. The square below, an open field of alternation between natural and artificial light, becomes a platform to witness the happenings inside and outside the building. It is the projection of the upper slide, where commercial or educational images are displayed according to the cultural plan of the complex.
“Box in box” materialization, and the use of perforated stainless steel make NAUTA even more dissolving, expanding the perception on the building as immaterial, mediatic.